The morning sunshine on my back

Gentle breezes blowing through

Gold brown books on the old wood rack

Oh! My steaming cup of tea that brew!

From which mysteriously did spring

Nostalgic memories old and new

Wafting my mind aloft and light

To another worldly inner flight

Of mystic flavors colors too

Of which I never ever knew

Yet somehow from my innermost Being

I experienced True what I was seeing

A Bliss experienced oft before

It satisfied my innermost core

Knowing it to be myself and more

Of my own larger treasure store

All things were made of spiritual light

Swans lake to lake in glorious flight

Fainting fragrance Lotus bloomed

In this Paradise the mind was doomed

Thoughts die dissolve to live in knowing

That boundless consciousness all growing

In ever expanding Love and Joy

All things of matter but a toy

A figment of the conscious Self

Conditioned mind a sneaky elf

Of negativity in time

Was transformed to Gnosis sublime

Heard it but I didn’t hear

The dog barking so far so near

In the backyard chasing hens

Fluttering hither to the fence

The neighboring housewife I beheld

Brisk and about her daily chores

Washing dishes cleaning floor

Sweeping in and out of doors

Yet all my consciousness was me

In spite of all this revelry

Immersed in my awareness me

Bound to worldly task yet Free