This world is but a thoughtfulness

of Mayic atoms intertwined

Whose electrons are energy

of light essence sublime.

Newton rediscovered and

declared the Laws of Motion

Sir Apple fell for Eve before

and then for Gravitation

Cause and effect are bound to be

one with nature’s duality

Oscillating within the lines

of Maya’s karmic causality.

What physics and what chemistry

their laws must have corollary

Action reaction, attraction repulsion,

cause and effect are bound to be.

“Laws of creation subject are

to equilibrium forces.

This world in balance cannot be

without its gains and losses.”

There is no day withought its night,

nor cause without effect

For attraction must repulsion be

just as for life is death.

The Einstein based his theory

on hypothesis of light

Relating all that matters

to finality of light.

But the Krishna and the Christ perceived

light to be form of energy.

Emanating from the omniscient mind

that one cosmic reality.

They further saw that energy

was not the final law.

It was a grosser consciousness

but that too had its flaw.

This world our sages did perceive

is mindstuff materialized.

In relative sequence it is built

deceiving mortal eyes.

All that is composed they knew

must get decomposed

Where then does reality lie?

All matter being composed.

That all pervading consciousness

of stillness through Eternity

Must of necessity proclaim

its ultimate reality.

Composed of nothing yet of which

all else is sure composed

It stands supreme beyond all dreams

eternally reposed.

That one cosmic reality

is spirit they perceived

Whose omnipresent essence

is everlasting bliss.

Whose one dream atom

doth our universe contain

Its myriad worlds and planets

He doth orderly maintain.

To this everlasting Truth of Love,

This Infinite Divinity

Countless creations homage pay

Throughout His Own Eternity.